Technology at MISD
Our mission at the district technology department is to actively support the district's educational goals. We strive to set a direction that encourages innovation - not for its own sake, but to support and improve education.
Background services:
We provide a robust infrastructure at each campus that is designed to support learning. Over 1,400 individual devices are connecting each day to the outside world using wired and wireless technology. As a part of the WTTC regional telecommunications consortium, we work to maintain world-class connectivity in our corner of West Texas. Each campus has full wireless coverage and density to support student learning through tablets, laptops, and other handheld devices. Each teacher also has access to cutting-edge tools such as interactive whiteboards, laptops, planning software, and diverse web-based tools.
Planning for innovation
In order to remain responsive to district needs, we revise our technology plan annually based on input from students, teachers, and administrators. We actively encourage the adoption of new learning strategies that incorporate technology in the classroom to reach every student. Our infrastructure planning is designed to stay "ahead of the curve," so that teachers can try new tech-based tools and techniques without frustration.
We also plan and encourage innovation by supporting our Technology Integration Specialists. These specialists are actively involved in helping teachers to design and use lessons and projects incorporating new ways to reach students. These specialists are available to all teachers at all campuses.
Access to Curriculum
Here is a link to the MISD Public Portal of digital curriculum provided at Merkel ISD.
Technology Vision:
MISD's Technology Department strives to support learning by removing barriers to using technology, and to assist in providing each student with a rich appropriate educational experience that prepares them for success after graduation. We will seek out, share, and implement tools and strategies to promote student success.
Technology Mission:
The mission of the MISD Technology Department is to support district instructional strategies and administrative requirements. We will provide and maintain cost-effective, appropriate technology tools for student and staff use. In addition to promoting staff efficiency, district technology use should be:
-Routine and transparent
-Accessible and readily available for the task at hand
-Supporting the curricular goals, and helping the students to effectively reach their goals1"
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